Dream Amethyst, also known as Chevron Amethyst, is a unique variety of amethyst that features distinct white and purple stripes, often forming a “V” or “arrow-like” pattern, giving it a dreamlike appearance.

Dream Amethyst is a natural combination of two high-frequency crystals, Amethyst and White Quartz, which resonate with higher energy centers. It symbolizes the union of spiritual and high-frequency energies, making it highly valued in spiritual practices. It is frequently used in meditation and spiritual development exercises, believed to activate the Third Eye Chakra, enhancing intuition and spiritual awareness.


Promotes Spiritual Awakening
Helps open the Third Eye Chakra and Crown Chakra, enhancing spiritual insight and higher consciousness.

Encourages Energy Balance
The union of two high-frequency energies symbolizes harmony on a spiritual level.

Increases Focus and Clarity
Helps organize mental energy, improving focus and clear thinking.

Protects and Purifies
Assists in purifying and uplifting the surrounding energy field.

  • Meditation

    Enhances and balances mental and spiritual energy, allowing for deeper meditation experiences.

  • Contact Healing

    Place on the Third Eye or Crown Chakra to open higher chakras, promoting spiritual insight and wisdom.

  • Carrying Daily

    Keeps overall energy elevated, promoting mental clarity throughout the day.

  • Placement in Work Environment

    Helps improve focus, maintain clear thinking, and invite inspiration into workspaces.

  • Placing by the Bedside

    Supports spiritual development during sleep, aiding in dream revelations and subconscious insights.


    Step 1: Running Water
    Hold Dream Amethyst under gentle running water. Allow water to flow for a few minutes. Visualize washing away negative energies.

    Step 2: Sunlight Cleansing / Sage or Palo Santo Cleansing
    Pass Dream Amethyst through smoke from burning sage or Palo Santo. Ensure smoke contacts all sides. Visualize purifying and clearing stagnant or negative energy.

    Frequency: Once a month or after spiritual practices.


    Prolonged sunlight exposure may cause colour fading.