Sunstone, also known as “Sunlight Stone,” belongs to the feldspar family. Its name is derived from its natural copper or iron inclusions that sparkle under light exposure, emitting a sun-like golden-orange glow.

Sunstone has a rich background in mythology and history. In ancient Norse culture, sunstone was considered a navigational gem. Although it did not have actual navigational capabilities, it symbolized the sunlight and destination that sailors hoped to see, making it a lucky stone carried during voyages. Over time, it also came to symbolize joy and hope. In ancient Greek culture, sunstone was connected to their sun god, Helios, and was frequently used in various rituals and adornments to link with the god’s power and vitality.

Sunstone is also commonly used in modern crystal therapy, employing its positive and masculine frequency to promote optimism, dispel fear, increase vitality, and enhance life enjoyment (“joie de vivre”).


Positive Emotion
Enhances personal joy and positive emotions, helping to dispel depression and pessimism.

Confidence and Leadership: Boosts the user’s belief and decision-making abilities, enhancing leadership qualities.

Energy Cleansing: Sunstone is believed to cleanse negative energy, providing spiritual and emotional protection.

Vitality and Enthusiasm
Helps to boost vitality and enthusiasm, increasing physical strength and stamina.

Attracting Abundance
Corresponds to the solar plexus, attracting life’s abundance with positive energy.

  • Place in areas untouched by sunlight

    Balances places with dominant yin energy.

  • Carrying with you

    Provides the influence of positive energy, enhancing confidence and vitality.

  • Breathing exercises

    Can be used with yoga’s “fire breath” (Kapalabhati Pranayama) to boost the body’s vitality and positive energy.

  • Sunlight Visualization

    While touching the sunstone, visualize sunlight cleansing the body’s negative energy, bringing a higher overall frequency.

  • Placement in the Workplace

    Boosts confidence, decision-making abilities, and attracts abundance.

  • Placement in the Living Room

    Brings positive energy to the family, promoting relationships and mutual progress.


    Step 1: Running Water
    Hold Sunstone under gentle running water. Allow water to flow for a few minutes. Visualize washing away negative energies.

    Step 2: Sage or Palo Santo Cleansing
    Pass Sunnstone through smoke from burning sage or Palo Santo. Ensure smoke contacts all sides. Visualize purifying and clearing stagnant or negative energy.

    Frequency: Once a month or after spiritual practices.


    Prolonged sunlight exposure may cause colour fading.