• “Like Fire”

    The name “pyrite” comes from the Greek word “pyr,” which means “fire.” This is because, in ancient times, when pyrite was mined, workers noticed that striking pyrite with metal tools would produce sparks. Its English name “pyrite” also originates from this characteristic. The ancient Greeks and Romans observed that hitting pyrite would create sparks and used it to start fires. Due to its association with the element of fire and its golden sheen, the ancient Egyptians believed pyrite could capture and reflect the rays of the sun, linking it to the sun god Ra and considering it a sacred symbol.

  • “Fool’s Gold”

    Pyrite is also commonly known as “Fool’s Gold” because its gold-like appearance often led miners to mistake it for real gold. Medieval alchemists were fascinated by pyrite and even attempted to turn it into gold. Over time, in various cultures, pyrite became associated with wealth and prosperity, being used as ornaments or decorations to attract abundance. This tradition has been passed down through the ages.

  • Diverse Crystal Shapes

    Pyrite belongs to the isometric crystal system/cubic crystal system. Based on this crystal structure, pyrite can develop into various crystal forms, including the common cube, pentagonal dodecahedron, and octahedron. Sometimes, the surfaces of these crystals may also have striations.


Pyrite has strong, masculine energy that forms an energy barrier, reducing the impact of negative energy on the user.

Enhancing Self-Esteem and Self-Worth
Corresponding to the solar plexus chakra, pyrite helps individuals boost their confidence and self-esteem, making them more decisive and determined, and helping to overcome self-doubt and fear.

Boosting Vitality
Enhances personal vitality and energy, promoting energy flow and making one feel invigorated and motivated.

Attracting Wealth and Abundance
Corresponding to the solar plexus chakra and supported by cultural heritage, pyrite is believed to attract prosperity and promote career and financial growth.

Stimulating Creativity
Inspires creativity and ideas, especially useful for artists, writers, and creative professionals, helping to break through creative blocks.

Enhancing Leadership Abilities
Increases personal decisiveness and confidence, aiding in making wise decisions and bringing courage to take on responsibilities.

Strengthening Willpower
Enhances mental strength and willpower, promoting resilience and determination to overcome psychological barriers and challenges.

Promoting Positive Thinking
Symbolizes fire and the sun, pyrite can bring positive and uplifting frequencies to a space, dispelling negative mental states.

  • Carrying with You

    Placing pyrite in your pocket or bag to carry it with you, providing positive energy and protection.

  • Placing at the Entrance

    Putting pyrite at the entrance of your home to attract prosperity and abundance and protect the space.

  • Placing in Work Space

     Putting pyrite on your desk or in your work area to enhance work efficiency, creativity, and decision-making abilities.

  • Placing in Shared Spaces

    Placing pyrite in living rooms or offices to bring a positive and uplifting atmosphere to the space.

  • Meditation

    Holding pyrite or place it nearby during meditation to enhance mental clarity and promote energy flow.

  • Visualization Practice

    Using pyrite in visualization practices related to finance and abundance to enhance the practice’s effectiveness.

  • On Body Crystal Healing

    Place an appropriately sized piece of pyrite on energy centers of the body, such as the solar plexus, to help activate and balance these energy centers.


    First, use a dry cloth or soft brush to clean the surface, then cleanse with Palo Santo or sage.

    When burning sage or Palo Santo, pass the crystal through the smoke. Ensure that the smoke touches all surfaces. Visualize positive energy entering the crystal with the smoke, while negative energy is leaving the crystal with the smoke.

    Frequency: Once a month or after spiritual practices.


    Avoid contact with water.
    Prolonged sunlight exposure may cause color fading.