Howlite is primarily a white mineral with gray or black veins. Its soft texture makes it ideal for being shaped into various forms. Although Howlite is not actually a type of turquoise, its veining resembles the more expensive turquoise, and it is often dyed to imitate it, earning the nickname “Imitation Turquoise.” Over time, it has also come to be called “White Turquoise.” Howlite is, in fact, a unique mineral first discovered in 1868 in Nova Scotia, Canada, by geologist Henry How. Henry How observed this mineral’s unique veining and hardness, which distinguished it from the surrounding minerals, and classified it as a new mineral species. In recognition of his contribution, the stone was named after him.
From a crystal healing perspective, Howlite possesses entirely different properties compared to the turquoise family. Its white and gray tones resonate with the crown chakra, giving it powerful purifying properties, especially on the mental level. Its energy is gentle yet stable, helping clear mental clutter and negative energies, promoting spiritual growth and purification.
Promotes Inner Calm
Helps balance emotions, bringing inner peace.
Mental Clarity
Assists in clearing mental clutter, helping maintain clarity and focus in thoughts.
Enhances Spiritual Energy
Purifies the mind and energy field, raising overall frequency.
Enhances Intuition and Insight
Aids in perceiving the flow of internal and external energies more clearly, facilitating connection with higher spiritual levels.
Purifies and Elevates Frequency
Helps create a peaceful and pure atmosphere.
Helps clear the mind, enhance spiritual awareness, and enter a deep state of calm.
White Light Visualization
Resonates with the crown chakra, strengthening the effects of white light visualization.
Head Massage
Use a smooth piece of Howlite to massage the head, corresponding to the energy center around the head. This can help alleviate tension or discomfort.
Carrying it with You
Helps maintain inner peace and raise overall frequency in daily life.
Space Purification
Place Howlite in prominent areas of a room to help clear negative energies and create a comfortable and harmonious atmosphere.
Step 1: Running Water
Hold Howlite under gentle running water. Allow water to flow for a few minutes. Visualize washing away negative energies.
Step 2: Sunlight Cleansing / Sage or Palo Santo Cleansing
Place Howlite in direct sunlight for several hours to recharge and restore its natural energy and vibrational properties.
Pass Howlite through smoke from burning sage or Palo Santo. Ensure smoke contacts all sides. Visualize purifying and clearing stagnant or negative energy.
Frequency: Once a month or after spiritual practices. -