Super Seven Quartz, also known as Melody's Stone or Sacred Seven, was first discovered in Espírito Santo, Brazil, a region renowned for its diverse variety of crystals and gemstones. This unique and powerful crystal is celebrated for its extraordinary combination of seven different minerals: Amethyst, Cacoxenite, Goethite, Lepidocrocite, Clear Quartz, Rutile, and Smoky Quartz. Each mineral contributes to the stone's distinctive appearance and healing properties.


Chakra Alignment
With its rich mineral inclusion, Super Seven Quartz resonates with all seven chakras, helping to align and balance them, leading to a sense of well-being and harmony.

Enhances Psychic Abilities
Enhances psychic awareness, Super Seven aids in increasing clairvoyance, telepathy, and intuition.

Spiritual Awakening
Often used in spiritual practices to promote personal growth, spiritual awakening, and an understanding of the deeper truths of the universe.

Clear Emotional Blockage
Helps to release emotional blockages by promoting the free flow of energy within the body, leading to emotional healing and expression.

Mental Clarity & Focus
Enhances concentration, resolves complex problems, and controls an overactive mind.

Energetic Protection
Its high vibrational frequency shields against negative energies, helping to maintain a positive environment and personal energy field.

Enhancing Other Crystals
Uplifts the vibration of surrounding gems and amplifies their healing properties.

  • Carrying in Pocket or Purse

    Carrying Super Seven Quartz in daily life can help boost energy and protect the energy field.

  • Meditation

    Holding the Super Seven or placing it nearby during meditation deepens focus, strengthens visualization, and enhances spiritual awakening.

  • Place in Living Spaces

    Positioning Super Seven Quartz in various areas of your home or workspace can enhance vibrational frequency, promoting harmony and balance.

  • On Body Healing

    In crystal healing, placing Super Seven on specific body parts during a session can amplify balance in energy centers.

  • Water Energizing

    Place Super Seven Quartz in water to energetically charge it for cleansing rituals.

  • Place in Work or Creative Spaces

    Stimulates creativity and clear thinking.

  • Affirmation & Visualization

    Pairing Super Seven Quartz with affirmations or visualization helps amplify intentions.

  • Combination with Other Crystals

    Super Seven can be paired with other crystals to enhance their healing properties.


    Step 1: Cleanse with Running Water
    Hold Super 7 Quartz under gentle running water. Allow the water to flow for a few minutes. Visualizing the washing away of negative energies.

    Step 2: Palo Santo or Sage Smoke Cleansing
    When burning sage or Palo Santo, pass the crystal through the smoke. Ensure that the smoke touches all surfaces. Visualize positive energy entering the crystal with the smoke, while negative energy is leaving the crystal with the smoke.

    Frequency: Once a month or after spiritual practices.


    Prolonged sunlight exposure may cause color fading.