Larimar, also known as “blue pectolite,” is a rare blue mineral found primarily in the Baruco Mountain Range of the Dominican Republic, making it extremely valuable. Known for its striking oceanic blue hues and unique patterns, the name “Larimar” was coined by a local miner, Miguel Méndez, who combined the first part of his daughter Larissa’s name, “Lari,” with the Spanish word for the sea, “Mar,” reflecting its resemblance to the colors of the Caribbean Sea.

Larimar is considered a symbol of the ocean and is often spiritually linked to the lost civilization of Atlantis. Some spiritual practitioners believe Larimar resonates with the return of Atlantis prophecy, suggesting that its recent discovery symbolizes a reawakening of ancient wisdom. In crystal healing, Larimar is believed to hold powerful healing energies, particularly in emotional realms, helping people release emotional stress and find inner balance.


Emotional Balance
Larimar’s gentle energy helps release emotional stress or past trauma.

Promotes Communication and Expression
Resonates with the throat chakra, aiding in emotional and spiritual expression.

Encourages Spiritual Growth and Awakening
Larimar fosters connections with the higher self, promoting spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Enhances Feminine Energy
This stone is strongly linked to feminine energy, helping balance and empower the feminine within.

Promotes Connection to Nature
Aligns the energy with natural frequencies, encouraging harmony and balance with the external environment.

  • Carrying Daily

    Helps in emotional healing, reducing stress and anxiety, and facilitates clear communication.

  • Ocean Flow Visualization

    Use Larimar to visualize being surrounded by the ocean, allowing the water to purify your energy and cleanse your emotions.

  • Placing under Your Pillow

    Helps release emotional stress during sleep, promoting deeper relaxation.

  • Meditation

    Assists in releasing emotional tension and achieving inner peace.

  • Healing Touch Therapy

    Place Larimar on the throat or heart chakra to balance these energy centers.

  • Water Therapy

    Use Larimar during water-based healing practices, enhancing its connection to water elements for relaxation and emotional release.


    Step 1: Cleanse with Running Water
    Hold Larimar under gentle running water. Allow the water to flow for a few minutes. Visualizing the washing away of negative energies.

    Step 2: Palo Santo or Sage Smoke Cleansing
    When burning sage or Palo Santo, pass the crystal through the smoke. Ensure that the smoke touches all surfaces. Visualize positive energy entering the crystal with the smoke, while negative energy is leaving the crystal with the smoke.

    Frequency: Once a month or after spiritual practices.


    Prolonged sunlight exposure may cause color fading.