Dow Crystal is not a specific variety of crystal but a unique crystal formation. It is characterized by alternating triangular and seven-sided faces at the termination point of the crystal. This specific structure follows the pattern of 3 seven-sided faces (7-sided) and 3 triangular faces (3-sided) arranged in a “7-3-7-3-7-3” sequence.

The name “Dow Crystal” comes from JaneAnn Dow, a spiritual healer and crystal expert. She discovered the unique spiritual significance of this crystal structure during her healing practices. The seven-sided faces represent sacred energy, associated with universal wisdom, spiritual enlightenment, and growth. The triangle symbolizes stability, creativity, and energy flow. The interaction of these two shapes creates a powerful balance on spiritual, emotional, and physical levels.


Energy Balance and Harmonization
Helps harmonize and balance the body’s energy, promoting overall harmony.

Enhances Spiritual Awakening
The unique geometric structure strengthens intuition and spiritual awareness.

Promotes Emotional Healing
Assists in balancing negative emotions, fostering inner peace and harmony.

Chakra Balancing
Helps with energy flow in chakras, promoting spiritual insight and emotional balance.

Integrates Yin-Yang Energy
Facilitates the integration of body, mind, and soul energies, achieving deep energy balance.

  • Meditation

    Hold the crystal during deep meditation to activate the third eye and crown chakras, enhancing spiritual awareness and clarity of spiritual guidance.

  • Energy Alignment

    Place the Dow Crystal on various chakras during energy healing sessions to help clear and adjust energy fields.

  • Place Near the Bed

    Promotes deep sleep and clearer dream recall, bringing spiritual insight through dreams.

  • Carry Daily

    Provides stable energy protection in daily life, shielding from negative energy interference.


    Step 1: Running Water
    Hold Dow Crystal under gentle running water. Allow water to flow for a few minutes. Visualize washing away negative energies.

    Step 2: Sunlight Cleansing (Only apply to Clear Dow Crystal) / Sage or Palo Santo Cleansing
    Place Clear Dow Crystal in direct sunlight for several hours to recharge and restore its natural energy and vibrational properties.

    Pass Dow Crystal through smoke from burning sage or Palo Santo. Ensure smoke contacts all sides. Visualize purifying and clearing stagnant or negative energy.

    Frequency: Once a month or after spiritual practices.


    Prolonged sunlight exposure may cause colour fading if it carries other color.